Amore Festival




Stan Christ ha appena fatto il proprio ingresso nel mondo della musica elettronica e già promette molto bene. In pochi anni il giovane DJ e produttore olandese ha riempito club e festival, collaborando con alcune tra le etichette più valide del panorama, arrivando a fondare la propria etichetta discografica: Revised Records.

Per quanto Stan Christ sia uno dei volti più freschi dell’attuale scena musicale elettronica è difficile non avere sentito parlare di lui, che è stato acclamato in ambienti importanti quali Thuishaven , Afas Live, Ziggo Dome, Base On Haze ma anche nei maggiori festival del settore, come Verknipt, NMNH Beach Festival o Rotterdam Rave.

Muovendo i primi passi nel mondo della musica nel 2013, è dal 2020 che il DJ e produttore olandese ha affinato il proprio gusto e definito il proprio stile, arrivando a una hard techno che però non dimentica le vibrazioni old school:

[Stan Christ, ndr.] presenta al suo pubblico una Techno (dura) dal ritmo veloce e incalzante.

Influenzato in tenera età dalla oldskool anni ’90 e dall’hardcore primario, offre un’atmosfera feroce ma positiva. Il lancio di potenti kick che si sentono nel petto si è dimostrato efficace nella sua giovane carriera con il supporto degli artisti più rinomati del momento. Consolidando la sua presenza nel segmento più duro della techno.

Resident Avisor

La fusione unica di generi Hard e Industrial Techno che guardano al passato e promettono un futuro, hanno portato molte case discografiche a interessarsi alla figura di Stan Christ: da No Mercy a Coup fino a Darkart, oltre alle pubblicazioni con label quali Revised Records, Carbone Records, Finder Records, DCRYPTED, Reckless e WarinD Records.

Quando Stan Christ ha pubblicato la sua prima traccia su Soundcloud aveva quindici anni e a mai si sarebbe aspettato di arrivare a essere acclamato da ben 12mila persona allo Ziggo Dome, o di collezionare un sold out dopo l’altro, o che i propri brani avrebbero raggiunto milioni di riproduzioni.

Le tracce prodotte da Stan Christ vengono attese dal pubblico nei fortunati DJ Set dell’artista; brani quali Trepidation Original Mix, Mental Misery Original Mix e Laughter Original Mix hanno risuonato davanti a migliaia di persone, segnando solo l’inizio di una carriera che già appare stellata per il DJ nato e cresciuto nei Paesi Bassi:

Cosa preferisco dell’essere un dj? Questa è una domanda difficile! Per ora potrei dire che è viaggiare e incontrare persone […], è il fare rete.

Stan Christ, Mini Docu


Stan Christ has only recently entered the world of electronic music and he already shows real potential. In only a few years, the young DJ and producer from the Netherlands has been filling clubs and festivals, working with some of the most valuable labels on the scene, and even going on to establish his own record label, Revised Records.

However Stan Christ is one of the freshest faces in the current electronic music scene, it is difficult not to have previously heard of him, as he was acclaimed in major venues such as Thuishaven , Afas Live, Ziggo Dome, Base On Haze but also at major festivals in the industry, such as Verknipt, NMNH Beach Festival or Rotterdam Rave.

Moving his first steps into the music business in 2013, it has been since 2020 that the Dutch DJ and producer has been honing his taste and defining his style. Stan Christ has thus landed on a hard techno vibe that, however, never forgets the old school vibes:

[Stan Christ, ed.] presents to his audience a (hard) Techno with a fast and pressing rhythm.

Influenced at an early age by 90s oldskool and primary hardcore, he offers a fierce but positive vibe. Throwing powerful kicks that are felt in the chest has proven effective in his young career with support from the most renowned artists of the moment. Consolidating his presence in the hardest segment of techno.

Resident Avisor

The unique fusion of Hard and Industrial Techno genres that look to the past and promise a future have led many record companies to take an interest in Stan Christ: from No Mercy to Coup to Darkart, as well as releases with labels such as Revised Records, Carbone Records, Finder Records, DCRYPTED, Reckless, and WarinD Records.

When Stan Christ posted his first track on Soundcloud, he was only fifteen years old, and never expected that he would get to be acclaimed by a full 12,000 people at the Ziggo Dome, or that he would collect one sold-out show after another, or that his own tracks would reach millions of plays.

Stan Christ-produced tracks are eagerly awaited by audiences in the artist’s successful DJ sets; tracks such as Trepidation Original Mix, Mental Misery Original Mix and Laughter Original Mix have resonated in front of thousands, marking only the beginning of a career that already appears starry-eyed for the Dutch-born and raised DJ:

What do I prefer about being a DJ? What a hard question! For now I could say it’s traveling and meeting people […], it’s networking.

Stan Christ, Mini Docu

Listen to the playlist of Stan Christ

Discografia / Discography

Singoli ed EP/ Singles & EPs

2020 : Acid Jaunt, Revised Records ; Trepidation, Revised Records

2021 : 911, Revides Records ; Charnel House, Revised Records ; Lethal Zone, Revised Records ; Respirer, Revides Records ; Stan Christ, Zeltak Greed, Revides Records ; Blitz, No Mercy ; Traffic, Revides Records ; Stan Christ, Zeltak Laughter Darkart.

2022 : Took Her To The Rave, Revides Records ; Mental Misery, Darkart ; Stan Christ, Doruksen Devil’s Senate, No Mercy ; Stan Christ, Raxeller She Puked In My Drink, Revides Records

2023 : Stan Christ, Gianni Di Bernardo, 1994 Revides Records ; Stan Christ, Zeltak Closer Enemies Revides Records ; Stan Christ, Nevlin, You Want This Revides Records 


2021: Stan Christ, Zeltak – Laughter, Darkart DA0022; Stan Christ, ORYMA – Mental Misery (2×File, FLAC), Darkart DA0026


SPOTIFY, Stan Christ discography, LINK:


RESIDENT ADVISOR, Stan Christ Artist Profile, LINK:

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Early Bird tickets available until october 13th

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